Getting Started

Tailcoat is a CSS framework and styleguide meant to empower front end developers to rapidly build web applications and websites for ArcGIS products and prototypes. The framework is built on top SASS and Compass, but can also be used as plain CSS. Tailcoat includes a comprehensive grid system, typographic standards, a large color pallette of Esri brand colors, and a complete set of components and patterns.

Using Tailcoat CSS

The files in the css folder are ready to use in your projects as is. With the css files in your project, you can use any of the classes provided in your markup.

Hosting Assets

Tailcoat has some fonts, images, and scripts that are needed for everything to work just right. All of these are available in the dist folder on Github. Ideally you can drop the entire tailcoat folder from there into your site's assets folder, then add the necessary <link> and <script> tags like so:

  <link href="{/path/to}/tailcoat/stylesheets/tailcoat.min.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet">
  <!-- your styles -->
  <script src="{/path/to}/tailcoat/javascripts/tailcoat.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
  <!-- your scripts -->

Tailcoat with SASS and Compass

Using the Tailcoat framework as a Compass plugin allows you to take advantage of configurable options, mixins for responsive design, and smaller final file sizes - along with conditional stylesheets for Internet Explorer.

To add Tailcoat to a Compass project, add the following line to your Gemfile and run bundle install from the command line.

gem "tailcoat", :git => "", :tag => "{LATEST_VERSION}"

Add the following to your Compass config.rb file:

require "tailcoat"

And finally, import the framework into a .scss file:

@import "tailcoat";

You will now have access to the full gamut of mixins and classes to build your own custom experiences based on Tailcoat.

Please note that Compass requires a configuration file and already has some default paths that may need to be overridden. See the Compass Configuration Reference to learn more.

Hosting Assets

You should host the images in a tailcoat folder in the Compass images_dir and the fonts in a tailcoat folder in the Compass fonts_dir, both defined in your compass config file. For this documentation site, it's structured like this:

├── fonts/
│   └── tailcoat/
│       └── (all tailcoat fonts)
├── images/
│   └── tailcoat/
│       └── (all tailcoat images)
└── javascripts/
    └── tailcoat.js

And inside the compass config.rb file:

set :images_dir, "assets/images"
set :fonts_dir, "assets/fonts"

Browser Compatibility

Because this framework makes use of the pseudo selectors and HTML 5 elements, IE8 requires the addition of modernizr or html5 shiv to work properly. In addition to one of these, it is recommended you use selectivizr in older browsers as well to ensure that pseudo selectors will work.

Adding these libraries for specific browsers is simple. Download the libraries and in your head just add the following:

<!--[if lt IE 9]>
  <script src="/js/selectivizr.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
  <script src="/js/html5shiv.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

Tailcoat does not support versions of Internet Explorer lower than 8. Internet Explorer 7 and below don't support media queries or the box-sizing: border-box; css property, preventing them from displaying columns and responsive design correctly.